Friday, May 8, 2020

DRC’s Former President Joseph Kabila Dragged To Prosecution

Kinshasa, DR CONGO

Joseph Kabila, former President of DR Congo may begin assembling a bigger team of defence lawyers to battle a long list of proposed charges presented by a concerned Congolese citizen to the Prosecutor General for consideration.
Bishop Pascal Mukuna, founder of the “Patriotic Awakening” Movement in DR Congo walked to the office of the Prosecutor General at noon on Wednesday and presented a list of 10 serious accusations against the former head of state.
He tabled his accusation against Joseph Kabila Kabange at 12:45 p.m. on Wednesday.
“I think that Kabila should be heard by your office and prosecuted for his direct and indirect involvement in the script commission described below,” Bishop Mukuna told the Prosecutor.
  • The massacres of the followers of Bundu Dia Kongo in Kongo Central between February and March 2008;
  • The death of Armand Tungulu Mudiambu, September 30, 2010;
  • The assassination of Floribert Chebeya and Fidèle Bazana, June 01, 2010;
  • The massacres of young kulunas in Kinshasa in the Likofi operation by the Congolese National Police in 2013:
  • The mass graves of Maluku in March 2015;
  • The massacres of Mwanza Lomba in Kasai in 2017;
  • Massacres and mass graves in Kasaï between December 2016 and March 2017;
  • Assassination of two United Nations experts in Kasai in 2017;
  • Assassination of demonstrators and arson of political party headquarters in September 2016;
  • Several people murdered during demonstrations organized by the Lay Coordination Committee, notably Rossy Tshimanga and Thérèse Kapangala.
Kabila’s accuser notes that apart from these crimes, the Attorney General can find others.
“I report all these crimes to your office so that an investigation can be opened and Kabila can answer for these crimes which occurred during his rule,” he said, calling for the opening of an investigation.
Meanwhile, Bishop Mukuna is also at the heart of a sex scandal where two members of his church accuse him of having had forced sex with him.

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