Monday, June 5, 2023

Kampala Police headquarters go without water for two weeks


The Uganda's Central Police Station which are the headquarters of police in Kampala have gone without water for two weeks.

Source privy to the matter have told the Nile Post that CPS which is home to over 200 police officers who work at the station now suffer after the station was cut off from water supply two weeks ago by National Water and Sewerage Corporation over accumulated bills.

"For two weeks, officers have to find ways of easing themselves. Many of them who can afford, go to nearby buildings and pay to be able to access toilets with water. The situation is terrible." a source at CPS told this website.

The toilets have since been locked.

It however remains unclear what happens to officers who sleep in the nearby barracks.

The situation is worse with suspects in cells at the Central Police Station.

The cells at CPS hold at least 80 suspects at a time.

Kampala Metropolitan Police spokesperson, Patrick Onyango and his deputy, Luke Owoyesigyire were not readily available for a comment on the matter as their known phone numbers could not go through.

The development comes on the backdrop of a similar experience where the two largest police barracks at Nsambya and Naguru suffered a suffered without water for at least a month over accumulated bill.

NWSC recently threatened to cut off water supply to several government institutions around the country.

They said the arrears would help them in their operations including procuring chemicals used to treat water.

"Dear good people, a month back, we issued payment reminders to all entities with prepaid meters and  unpaid bills, requesting them to pay bills. As the meters disconnect, we humbly request that bills are paid to enable us pay for production inputs and keep the taps flowing,” NWSC said on Monday morning.

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