Thursday, November 3, 2022

"Mozambique journalist held incommunicado" – rights group

MAPUTO, Mozambique

Human Rights Watch (HRW) says a journalist covering the fighting between government forces and Islamist militants in northern Mozambique has gone missing after police took him into custody over the weekend.

Arlindo Chissale has been held incommunicado and without access to lawyers since Saturday, the rights group quotes a family member as saying.

Chissale is a freelancer and editor of an online publication. He was taken into custody while working in the mining town of Balama, HRW said.

"The Mozambican government should immediately take steps to locate Chissale, inform his family of his whereabouts, and ensure his safe return home,” the organisation added.

Detention and forced disappearance of local journalists covering the conflict in Cabo Delgado province is common. The last known disappearance was in April 2020 and the journalist has not been heard from since. - BBC

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