Friday, September 2, 2022

Terrorists strike, beheaded citizens in Cabo Delgado

MAPUTO, Mozambique

Local residents on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning found the bodies of 11 people murdered by islamist terrorists in Metoro administrative post, in Ancuabe district, in the northern Mozambican province of Cabo Delgado.

Some of the victims had been beheaded, according to a report in Friday’s issue of the independent newssheet “Carta de Mocambique”. A relative of one of the victims said that two of the bodies were found on Wednesday, and the other nine on Thursday.

The terrorists captured one woman and forced her to watch as they beheaded their victims. She was then released, after they had stolen 1,000 meticais (about 16 US dollars, at the current exchange rate) from her.

READ ALSO: More killings in Cabo Delgado raise fear 

The same group that had attacked Metoro went on to raid Megaruma village, where they killed three people.

It is believed that the same group then moved into Chiure district where they burnt down houses in Muamula and Mecolene villages in the Chiure Velho administrative post. At least one person died in these raids.

Source: AIM

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