Sunday, September 8, 2024

Tanzania President tasks police force as opposition cry of 'serial' abductions and assassinations


Tanzania President, Samia Hassan has put the police force into task to provide her with detailed report about terrible serial killings incidents taking place in the country ‘as soon as possible’.

The order came following killing of a high-ranking opposition leader, Mohamed Ali Kibao, who is said to have been abducted by unknown armed people last Friday and his dead body found in Ununio waterfront district of Dar es Salaam.

“It is with great sadness that I received the news of killing of CHADEMA leader Mr. Mohamed Ali Kibao. I sympathize with the leaders of the party, the family of Mzee Kibao, relatives and friends.” She said.

“I have ordered the investigation agencies to bring me detailed report about this terrible incident and others like this as soon as possible.” President Hassan ordered, emphasizing that Tanzania is a democratic country and every citizen has the Right to live adding that the government she leads does not tolerate such brutal acts.

Mr. Kibao (pictured right), a member of Tanzania’s main opposition party, Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo - CHADEMA’s national secretariat, is said to have been forced off a bus at gunpoint on Friday by suspected security agents as he was travelling from Dar es Salaam to the northern port city of Tanga according to his party leaders.

Earlier, confusion erupted at Mwananyamala Hospital as tensions flared between members of the opposition party and the mortuary security staff over access to a post-mortem examination.

The conflict arose when a lawyer representing the party, Mr Hekima Mwasipu, was denied entry to witness the post-mortem of Kibao, the situation deteriorated when family members and Chadema supporters arrived to view and confirm that the deceased was indeed Kibao.

The police force in Tanzania has confirmed the assassination of the opposition leader.

"Yesterday September 7, 2024, the Police gave information about Mohamed Kibao being taken from the Tashrif bus and taken by people who could not be identified and that the investigation began after receiving the information. After being informed of the sighting of the body of a man who could not be identified at Ununio, Dar es Salaam, the identification has been done according to the procedures and it was found to be the body of Kibao.''

The police further said that a major incident investigation team from the office of the Director of Criminal Investigation – Headquarters, has been sent to increase strength to ensure that killers are arrested and brought to justice.

According to the party Secretary General, John Mnyika, Kibao was traveling to Tanga region, their bus was stopped by traffic police and he was forcefully handcuffed and taken by armed people.

The incident comes less than a month after Mbowe, his deputy Tundu Lissu and other Chadema leaders were detained in a mass roundup ahead of a planned party youth event in the southern highland city of Mbeya.

Other CHADEMA leaders and key members mysteriously disappeared and believed to have been abducted includes Sumbawanga district communication secretary, Dioniz Kipanya, who disappeared on July 26, 2024.

Kombo Mbwana went missing after being forcibly taken from his home on June 15, 2024 until July 29, 2024, when the Police informed the public that they were holding him for using an unregistered sim-card.

According to a Tanzania vibrant activist and communication expert, Maria Sarungi, a total of 67 persons went missing since 2021 to date.

Latest persons in her report includes Deusdedith Soka, Amon Mrimi Magige, Daniel Elias Sayi, Lilenga Isaya Lilenga, Yusuph Dudu and Kastory Kapinga.

The legacy of President Hassan's administration is being marked by numerous incidents that tarnish the government's reputation, including disappearances, torture, abductions, and murders.

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