Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Presidents of Egypt and South Sudan agree to work together for peaceful solution in Sudan

CAIRO, Egypt

Egypt’s President Abdel Al-Sisi and South Sudan’s President Salva Kiir have agreed to intensify their efforts and contacts with the relevant parties in Sudan to find urgent solutions to the crisis and spare the Sudanese people further violence and displacement.

At a joint press conference with President Kiir, Al-Sisi urged the various Sudanese parties to prioritize the national interests of Sudan over any personal interests or external interventions that would worsen the situation or prolong the suffering of the Sudanese people.

He emphasized the vital role of Egypt and South Sudan in the Sudanese crisis, and the need to respect their views in any initiatives or efforts to resolve the crisis, especially since the two countries have a better understanding of the nature of the crisis and its tribal complexities. He also stressed the importance of the neighboring countries’ meetings in resolving the crisis.

The President also called on the international community to fulfill its commitments and obligations towards South Sudan in its journey towards building a better future.

He said that he discussed with President Kiir the existing cooperation between the two countries in the field of water resources and irrigation, and the joint efforts to optimize the use of the Nile River resources.

“Egypt’s vision is based on the fact that the Nile River should be a source of cooperation and development as a lifeline for all the peoples of the Nile Basin countries,” Al-Sisi said.

He also said that they reviewed the developments related to the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) issue and the ongoing negotiations to reach a binding legal agreement on the filling and operation of the dam.

“Despite the international economic challenges, Egypt will spare no effort to stand by South Sudan and its brotherly people, especially in the field of capacity-building and providing technical expertise in various fields,” Al-Sisi added.

He reiterated Egypt’s full support for President Kiir’s efforts and all South Sudanese parties to achieve peace in the country. He praised the efforts made by the political parties in South Sudan to move forward with the implementation of the electoral process, and Egypt’s full support for the government’s efforts to meet the aspirations of the South Sudanese people for peace, stability, and development.

He also said that they discussed ways to strengthen and develop joint political, military, and security coordination during this critical stage that the region is going through, and agreed to coordinate their efforts to achieve security and stability in the region and protect the interests of their peoples.

President Kiir said on Monday that Egypt and South Sudan are confident that dialogue is the only way to end the escalating conflict in Sudan.

He said that he exchanged views with President Al-Sisi regarding the ongoing conflict in Sudan, especially the deteriorating humanitarian situation. He said that they agreed on the need to work together to find solutions to end the suffering of the Sudanese people.

Kiir also said that he discussed with President Al-Sisi the need to use the memorandum of understanding signed between the two countries to benefit from Egyptian expertise to achieve development in South Sudan, especially in the field of education.

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