Friday, September 2, 2022

Uganda and Rwanda to revive bilateral ties after ten years

KIGALI, Rwanda

Rwanda and Uganda have agreed to revive the Joint Permanent Commission (JPC) that last met in 2012. The decision was reached during a meeting between Uganda’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jeje Odongo with his Rwandan counterpart, Vincent Biruta on September 1.

Ugandan (left) and Rwandan officials led by Foreign Affairs ministers Odongo Jeje Abubakhar of Uganda and Vincent Biruta (Rwanda) hold bilateral talks in Kigali on September 1, 2022

Odongo is in the country for a two-day visit for diplomatic and political consultations.

“Our relations are very good and we decided on the next meeting of JPC that should be convened before March 2023. JPC had last convened in 2012. We also got into details of our relations and security issues in the region,” said Biruta.

This will be the tenth such meeting between the two countries the upcoming meeting is expected to focus on critical areas taking into consideration the outcomes of the last meeting.

Meanwhile, Odongo said that part of the meeting was to advance means in which both countries can speak with one voice on security matters in the region.

“We also discussed regional matters and we have agreed that we need to be able to speak with one voice, in as far as regional matters, particularly security is concerned. Together, Rwanda and Uganda should now focus on those activities that will bring benefits to our people and the region. It is important that the region hears our collective voice,” said Odongo.

On relations between the two countries, both ministers said that they had turned a new chapter.

“We want to translate our relations into a voice that is in unison on matters that are in relation to our security plans and development. We want to look at those relations in terms of the strategic significance for our two countries and for the region,” said Odongo.

In June this year, regional leaders including Presidents of both Rwanda and Uganda met in Nairobi for the third EAC Heads of State Conclave on DR Congo.

“Both Uganda and Rwanda have concerns about our own security challenges emanating from the territory of our western neighbour (DRC). We have taken cognisance of the actions that our principals did take, when they met in the conclave in Nairobi. We are translating political decisions into actionable actions,” said Odongo.

Both ministers also discussed matters related to trade, investment, and strategic regional projects.

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