Sunday, May 9, 2021

Stranded displaced Mozambicans still “waiting to cross” into Tanzania

MAPUTO, Mozambique

Dozens of Mozambicans displaced from Palma in northern Cabo Delgado province remain stranded on the Mozambican border, waiting to cross the Rovuma River into Tanzania, ‘Carta de Moçambique’ reports.

Carta sources say that some people travelled there on foot, while others arrived by boat from Quirinde, in Quionga administrative post.

Hunger and despair beleaguer the displaced, who do not know if or when they will be rescued by the Tanzanian authorities.

As ‘Carta’ reported from the Palma district headquarters, security in the town has not yet been fully restored. Although no direct confrontations between the Defence and Security Forces and terrorists have been reported, the insurgents continue to sow terror and mourning there, with reports of houses being burned and people murdered.

As a result, most of the displaced have chosen to take refuge in the Quitunda resettlement village, while others have travelled to Maganja or Olumbe. Pemba, the provincial capital, however remains the destination of choice.

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