Monday, May 11, 2020


Chadema Secretary General, John Mnyika

By Our Correspondent, DODOMA Tanzania

Tanzania's leading opposition party ‘Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo’ (Chadema) has on Monday May 11, expelled four Members of Parliament from the party for insubordination and directed other Members of Parliament to provide thorough explanation as to why further disciplinary actions should not be taken against them.

The party Secretary General, John Mnyika, said in a press conference that the action followed a resolution by the party’s Central Committee after holding an online meeting for two days.

MPs stripped of party membership are Anthony Komu (Moshi Rural), Joseph Selasini (Rombo), Wilfred Rwakatare (Bukoba Urban) and David Silinde (Mbozi).

“The Party has decided to expel these four MPs and it has also directed the secretary-general to write a letter of notification to the Speaker of the National Assembly,” he said.

The decision comes following the recent directive by the party’s national Chairman, Freeman Mbowe instructing Chadema MPs to take self-quarantine from parliamentary sessions and committees over coronavirus infection threats.

Three Members of Parliament died between April 20 and 1st May this year after short and undisclosed illness causing anxiety among members.

Expelled Members clockwise: Joseph Selasini (Rombo), David Silinde (Mbozi), Anthony Komu (Moshi Rural) and Wilfred Rwakatare (Bukoba Urban)

The opposition party also called for inclusive intervention to maintain coronavirus urging the government to give true data on the new cases, deaths and enforce scientific measures to fight COVID-19; the proposal that government has downplayed.

The party therefore instructed its members to refrain from going close to parliamentary buildings in Dodoma and Dar es Salaam over similar concerns; the directive that some members defied to.

According to the resolution,  a Special Seat MP and party Central Committee member, Mariam Msabaha, has been stripped of all her party positions and directed to explain why further disciplinary actions should not be taken against her.

Other Special Seats MPs who were instructed to explain themselves are Susan Masele, Joyce Sokombi, Latifa Chande, Lucy Mlowe, Sware Semesi and Rose Kamili. Others are Japhary Michael (Moshi Urban), Peter Lijualikali (Kilombero) and William Kambalo (Karatu).

Mnyika said that the central committee, after evaluating the implementation of the party’s stand, noting agreement among its MPs and party directives on 14 days isolation, found out that some of its MPs were contravening the directive, so it decided to take steps.

He said the steps taken are in accordance with the party constitution, procedures and guidelines.

The Secretary General said the nine MPs have been given the opportunity to explain themselves because in addition to their disregard of party directives they did not show a lack of discipline by defaming the party and its leaders.

All Chadema MPs who abided by the party directive to self-quarantine for 14 days should continue doing so as normally advised by health experts and will return to Parliament as and when the Covid-19 situation allows, the head of the party secretariat affirmed. - Africa

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