Wednesday, May 6, 2020


Mogadishu, SOMALIA
The African Union and the UN have welcomed the decision by leaders from Somalia, Kenya, and Ethiopia to investigate Monday’s plane crash in southwest Somalia which killed six people on board.
In separate statements on Wednesday, senior officials of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and the UN humanitarian agency said they were saddened and troubled by the unfortunate incident involving an aircraft which was carrying aid supplies for use in the fight against the novel coronavirus.
“We would like to pledge our continued solidarity with the governments of Somalia, Kenya and Ethiopia and will support and facilitate investigations aimed at clarifying the circumstances surrounding this incident,” Francois Madeira, AMISOM head of mission said.
Both Kenyan and Somali leaders spoke on phone on Tuesday and resolved to conduct joint investigations into the cause of the crash.
The Kenya-registered aircraft, belonging to African Express, crashed on Monday in Bardere, southwest Somalia as it approached the airport under unclear circumstances.
The plane had six people, including the pilot, co-pilot, flight engineer and a trainee pilot.
Kenya and Ethiopia are troop-contributing countries to the AMISOM which has, over the years, been supporting the Somali government in its effort to end the war, bring peace and develop the country.
Adam Abdelmoula, resident and humanitarian coordinator for Somalia, said the UN will do everything possible to establish the cause of the incident, noting that the commercial plane was carrying humanitarian cargo for an international NGO. - Africa

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