Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Kenya's Prime Minister to lead 21 ministries

NAIROBI,  Kenya 

President of Kenya, William Ruto has assigned Musalia Mudavadi to be the Acting Cabinet Secretary in all the vacant ministries.

The designation of Mudavadi as Acting CS in all the vacant ministries was announced in a Gazette Notice by President Ruto.

“That pursuant to Article 152 (5) (a) of the Constitution, Hon. Wycliffe Musalia Mudavadi, E.G.H., is assigned as the Acting Cabinet Secretary in all vacant ministerial portfolios,” reads the gazette notice dated July 12, 2024.

In the notice, the President also gazetted the dismissal of the Attorney General and all 21 Cabinet Secretaries who were fired on July 11 in a Cabinet dissolution.

Mudavadi’s new assignment is crucial in effecting decisions that require the action of a cabinet secretary including at the strategic National Treasury and the Interior ministries that require several decisions to be made on a daily basis by a CS.

The President’s gazettement comes at a time that the sacking of the attorney general has been challenged in court, with an argument that it was not procedural.

Ruto fired all Cabinet Secretaries exempting only Mudavadi who is the Prime CS and Cabinet Secretary for Foreign Affairs.

President Ruto said he had resolved to dissolve his Cabinet "upon reflection, listening keenly to what the people of Kenya have said and after a holistic appraisal of the performance of the cabinet and its achievements and challenges."

The Head of State noted that, in the meantime, he will engage in extensive consultations across different sectors and political formations as he constitutes his next Cabinet.

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