Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Algeria withdraws envoys to France

 By Aline Bottin, ALGIERS  Algeria 

The Algerian government announced today, Tuesday, that it has decided to withdraw its ambassador from the French Republic following Paris's move to "recognize the Moroccan autonomy plan for Western Sahara," according to a statement issued by the Algerian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The statement, reported by Algerian media, said, "The French government has announced its unequivocal and explicit support for the colonial reality imposed on the territory of Western Sahara. This step, which no previous French government has taken, was undertaken by the current government with great disregard and carelessness without any prudent assessment of the consequences it entails,".

The statement continued, "By recognizing the Moroccan autonomy plan as the sole basis for resolving the Western Sahara conflict within the framework of alleged Moroccan sovereignty, the French government is violating international legitimacy and denying the Sahrawi people's right to self-determination. It contradicts all the diligent and ongoing efforts made by the United Nations to complete the process of decolonization."

The statement considered that France "is shirking the special responsibilities that come with its permanent membership in the UN Security Council," stating, "The Algerian government has decided to withdraw its ambassador from the French Republic with immediate effect, and from now on, the chargé d'affaires will be responsible for the Algerian diplomatic representation in France."

This position comes hours after a statement from the Moroccan Royal Court, which mentioned that, in a letter addressed to King Mohammed VI, French President Emmanuel Macron officially announced that "he considers that the present and future of Western Sahara fall within the framework of Moroccan sovereignty."

In the same letter, which coincides with the 25th anniversary of Throne Day, the French President assured the Moroccan monarch of "the consistency of the French position on this issue related to the Kingdom's national security," and that his country "intends to act in harmony with this position at both the national and international levels."

Regarding the autonomy plan under Moroccan sovereignty, the French head of state sees that "an international consensus is emerging today and is expanding more and more," confirming that "France is fully playing its role in all relevant bodies,", particularly through his country's support for the efforts of the UN Secretary-General and his personal envoy.

President Macron emphasized in his letter, "The time has come to move forward, and I, therefore, encourage all parties to meet for a political settlement, which is within reach." 

On the other hand, after praising Morocco's efforts for economic and social development in the Moroccan Sahara, the President of the French Republic expressed his commitment that "France will support Morocco in these steps for the benefit of the local population."

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