Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Military to control DR Congo’s violence-hit regions


The military in the Democratic Republic of Congo will take charge in two regions hit by violence that have been declared “under siege”.

The local administration including governors and provincial assemblies in North Kivu and Ituri provinces will be suspended for 30 days from Thursday and substituted with military authorities.

Government spokesman Kasongo Mwema Yamba said on Monday that the military will have powers such as conducting searches on people as well as restricting movement.

President Felix Tshisekedi, in a televised address on Monday, said the move followed “the cries of distress of our population, and felt the pain that our mothers, sisters and daughters are suffering in these provinces ravaged by barbarity”.

The government declared a state of siege in the east on 1 May, which would allow the authorities to take measures to address the insecurity in the region.

Since the beginning of the year hundreds of people have been killed in eastern DR Congo – where dozens of militia groups operate.

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