Friday, April 2, 2021

Tanzania government suspends "increased" new data prices


The Tanzania government on Friday April 2, 2021 suspended telecommunication firms’ 'highly incresed' new data bundles charges following a public uproar.

Earlier on Friday, all telecommunication firms operating in Tanzania had incresed to threefold their bundles prices for voice calls, data and short messaging service as they sought to align them with new regulations as published by Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA).

In the process however, the telecommunication companies significantly raised data bundles. 

For example, Airtel Tanzania last year sold a monthly bundle of 10GB for 10,000/- ($4.29); with the same amount of money they now give only 3GB.

This raised a public uproar as subscribers vehemently opposed the new charges, with some describing them as ‘outrageous’ via social media platforms.

In response to the uproar, the government issued a statement later in the day, announcing the suspension of the new data charges until the matter gets resolved.

"The government has directed the companiest to suspend the new increased prices for data bundles for a while as the issue is being sorted out,” the head of corporate communications at TCRA, Semu Mwakyanjala said.

The message was followed by a statement from the regulator, saying the suspension of data bundles was meant to give room for further discussions.

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