Saturday, April 3, 2021

Kenya imposes restrictions on UK arrivals after red listing move


Kenya government has imposed a 14-day quarantine restriction on all UK arrivals following the latter's decision to red list passengers from the country over Covid-19 concerns.

While in isolation, the passengers will be subject to take two PCR COVID-19tests, on day two and day eight of their quarantine, at their own cost.

This is following a similar move by the UK.

In a statement on Saturday, Kenya's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said it the UK's unilateral move was disturbing, especially because of Kenya's long-standing cooperation with the country.

"This decision by the United Kingdom will have deep and far-reaching consequences on Kenya-United Kingdom trade, travel, tourism and security cooperation," it said.

"The decision is particularly disturbing in light of the fact that the United Kingdom and Kenya enjoy a strong and long-lasting relationship embedded in a strategic partnership that has multiple dimensions including health, education, security, travel, trade, and people to people relations."

The ministry also regretted a form of vaccine nationalism by producing countries.

"This coupled with av accine hoarding attitude that can only be described as a form of “vaccine apartheid.”

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