

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Uganda: Bus accident kills 26


The Uganda deputy speaker of parliament, Thomas Tayebwa has directed the minister of Works and Transport, Gen Katumba Wamala to investigate the two fatal accidents in Fort Portal and Budaka that claimed over 26 lives today Wednesday.  

The accident at Sebitoli along the Fort Portal-Kampala highway involved Link bus overturning several times and claiming the lives of 20 people while the one along the Mbale-Tirinyi road at Namatala bridge, Nasenyi sub county in Budaka district claimed 6 lives.

According to tea pickers at Sebitoli who witnessed the accident, the front tyre of the bus burst, and moments later they saw the bus knocking down the guard rails and tea shed before overturning several times. 

The other accident in Budaka involved two taxis registration numbers; UBH 437K and UBJ 676W and a Toyota Raum, registration number UAT 995A. 

Now, Tayebwa wants the ministry must establish the cause of the accidents and also develop measures to reduce further road carnage in the country. Tayebwa made the directive in his communication during today's plenary sitting after which the House observed a moment of silence in memory of the accident victims.

Police says speeding and reckless driving are the major causes of accidents on Ugandan roads. Small cars are not supposed to exceed 100 kilometres per hour while passenger vehicles and loaded trucks should not exceed 80km per hour.

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