

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Fuel prices hit new highs in Tanzania

By Osoro Nyawangah, MWANZA Tanzania

Fuel prices have hit new highs in Tanzania as tensions in eastern Europe continue to impact the global oil market.

According to the latest cap prices for May for petroleum products, announced late Tuesday by the Energy and Water Utilities Regulatory Authority (EWURA), petrol prices in Dar es Salaam are now up to Tsh3,148 per litre (1.36 U.S. dollars) and diesel Tsh3,258 (1.40).

The new prices, effective Wednesday, May 4, represent an increase of 9.5 percent for petrol and 17.1 percent for diesel following hikes of 12 and 21 percent, respectively in April.

The new retail price for kerosene in Dar es Salaam is Tsh3,112 (1.34) per litre compared to Tsh2,682 (1.15) in April and Tsh2,209 (0.95) in March.

"Prices of each petroleum product throughout the country will be computed based on the cost of the product received through the ports and the transport costs to the respective regions,” the agency said.

The most expensive selling point remains Kyerwa district in the Kagera region on the border with Rwanda and Uganda where petrol now costs Tsh3,385 (1.46), diesel Tsh3,495 (1.51), and kerosene Tsh3,350 (1.44) per litre.

Recently, the Head of State Samia Hassan did not mince any words when she told Tanzanians to prepare for tougher times ahead in as far as fuel prices are concerned, and further cautioned the Minister for Energy, and other government leaders to tell the truth regarding the high cost of living that is about to hit the country, a burden which she said cannot be solely carried by the government.

The President consequently ordered for the reinstatement of the Sh100 levy on fuel that was scrapped as a measure to cushion the adverse impact of the high fuel prices on citizens.

Apart from fuel, Tanzanians are now feeling the pinch of skyrocketing prices of essential goods such as sugar, cooking oil and building materials.- Africa

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