

Monday, November 2, 2020

Tanzania police force arrested opposition leaders over disputed elections


Tanzanian police force have prevented planned opposition protests against last week’s disputed election by arresting officials of the main opposition party, Chadema, its presidential candidate, Tundu Lissu said.

The opposition has demanded a re-run of the 28 October poll, citing widespread irregularities, and called for protests against the outcome, which returned President John Magufuli to office with 84% of the vote.

"We have not been able to protest,” Tundu Lissu, who garnered an official 13%, told reporters, citing heavy deployments of the police on the streets and the arrest of several party officials and supporters.

Chadema chairman Freeman Mbowe (pictured), former lawmaker Godbless Lema and the former mayor of Ubungo municipality, Boniface Jacob, were all arrested late on Sunday.

"I got a message around midnight that they had been taken in,” Lissu said.

Mbowe, Lema and Jacob, together with seven of their supporters, were arrested to prevent them destroying property under the guise of protests, according to Lazaro Mambosasa, Dar es Salaam’s regional police commander.

"We are searching for others. Since we started arresting the suspects, the opposition has restrained itself and the city is calm,” he said by phone.

The US ambassador Donald Wright said reports of arrests were of “extreme concern”.

"I urge the government to ensure the safety and security of all opposition leaders, cease these targeted arrests, release detainees, restore telecommunications, and afford due process under the law to all citizens,” he wrote on Twitter.

Last week, Tanzanians reported nationwide problems accessing social media platforms, including Twitter and WhatsApp in what critics said was a state effort to curb dissent by limiting people’s ability to communicate. Twitter confirmed that it had seen some “throttling” of its platform while internet blockage monitor NetBlocks observed widespread disruption.

The UK urged the electoral authorities to investigate all reported irregularities and said it was troubled by heavy handed policing of the election.

The national electoral commission said last week there was no evidence of irregularities, like fake ballots, during voting.

Another opposition figure, Zitto Kabwe, has called for formation of international panel to investigate irregularities that marred the general elections.

"As we continue with ongoing peaceful demonstration across the country, I call for an Independent Panel made up of Africa leaders to investigate election irregularities and oversee fresh elections." Said Zitto who leads the Alliance for Change and Transparency.

Magufuli’s CCM party, a version of which has held power since independence from Britain in 1961, also increased its parliamentary majority to 97% of the 264 seats from three quarters in the previous five year.

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