

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Rwanda to host Global Parliamentary Assembly

KIGALI, Rwanda

The Inter-Parliament Union (IPU) Governing Council has confirmed that, Rwanda will host the next Inter-Parliamentary Union Assembly and related meetings.

Formed in 1889, the IPU is a global organization of national parliaments empowers parliaments and Members of Parliaments to promote peace, democracy and sustainable development.

Rwanda is one of the 179 national parliaments that make up the current IPU membership.

Rwanda selection to host the lucrative event was done during the first ever digital IPU Governing Council meeting convened online from 1 to 4 November 2020.

“The 206th session of IPU parliament Governing Council confirmed that, from 6-10 November 2021, Rwanda will be hosting the 143rd Inter-Parliamentary Union Assembly and related meetings,” Rwanda Parliament said noting that the next step is to start preps for the event.

The virtual session gathered over 400 MPs online from over 140 countries spanning multiple time zones and languages, and Rwanda was represented by Senators Espérance Nyirasafari, Lambert Dushimimana and MP Alice Muzana.

The meeting was aimed at discussing and taking decisions on pressing issues relating to the functioning of the organization – including the adoption of the IPU budget and programme of work for 2021 and the election of the IPU President and human rights abuses against MPs.

Meanwhile, Duarte Pacheco, from Portugal was also elected new IPU President in historic virtual vote getting 222 votes over contestant Senator Muhammad Sadiq Sanjrani from Pakistan with (only 52 votes).

Pacheco replaces Mexican MP Gabriela Cuevas Barron, who was elected in October 2017. He will stay in office till 2023.

Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) sent a congratulatory message to Pacheco saying that “Parliaments play an essential role in moving the health agenda forward. I look forward to working closely with you. Together! Health for All,” - Africa


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