

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Only 20% of Ugandans are poor - SDG report


The number of Ugandans leaving in poverty has dropped drastically from 45% to 20% following the implementation of the sustainable development goals.

This revelation has been made in the Uganda's 3rd SDGs assessment report set to be presented in New York next month.

The director SDGs Byamugisha Albert says many Ugandas have taken advantage of government poverty alleviation programs like emyooga resulting into more money generating activities.

"We are assessing from 2016 to 2024 and the data we last collected in 2020 shows the poverty levels levels reduced to 20% from 45%," said director SDGs Albert Byamugisha.

The prime minister Robinah Nabbanja presided over the presentation of Uganda's 3rd voluntary national review report on the implementation of the SDGs at Munyonyo.

According to the director SDGs, this milestone is attributed to the many government programs like emyooga which Ugandans have embraced hence eradicating poverty.

"Key indicators to the decline are government programs. The likes of entandikwa, emyooga, YLP, among others. Many people are now able to engage in Income generating activities," said Byamugisha.

Uganda started implementing the SDGs in 2016 and efforts have been geared towards localization of these SDGs.

The Prime minister Robinah Nabbanja says efforts to take these SDGs to ordinary people are starting to yield efforts with the country now set to see that no one is left behind.

Nabbanja Said, "by focusing on food production, job creation, wealth creation and improved service delivery at the parish level and other operation wealth creation programs are integral in ensuring that no one is left behind."

However, many local leaders are concerned there is much to do to achieve the 2030 agenda when the country is expected to have attained the SDGs 100%.

This report is set to be presented in New York next year where each of the implementing countries will be accounting their achievements.

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