

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The tears of DR Congo police officer


A trending video of a police officer crying while on duty in North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), has touched many people on social networks.

This region is experiencing an ongoing conflict involving various armed groups, such as the M23 group and the Army of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (FARDC).

The soldier is seen crying in pain as the dead bodies of civilians are carried in the coffin, showing the devastating effects of the conflict in that area.

According to Save the Children, violence in North Kivu has led to the closure of 540 schools last year and another 190 schools have been closed since the beginning of 2024.

The closure of these schools has left children without education and put them at risk of joining armed groups or forced labour.

Armed groups have taken over 24 schools, stormed 10 schools one by one, and turned 29 schools into emergency shelters. In addition, two teachers have been kidnapped and there have been two cases of kidnapping of students.

The closure of 7 percent of schools has left 270,000 children without education, and neighboring regions such as Ituri and South Kivu have also been affected.

The Rwandan-backed M23 rebels and numerous other armed groups are active in restive eastern areas of the country, including North Kivu, South Kivu and Ituri provinces, where millions of civilians face violence and internal displacement.

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