

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Sudan's RSF intensify shelling in El Fasher, civilians bear brunt of renewed clashes


The Sudan’s Rapid Support Forces (RSF) have ramped up their attacks on El Fasher, unleashing a relentless barrage of artillery and rockets on densely populated western and southern districts. This escalation has resulted in a mounting civilian death toll.

For the past three days, El Fasher, the capital of North Darfur, has witnessed a dramatic rise in the intensity of clashes between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and allied armed movements on one side and the RSF on the other. The fierce fighting has caused numerous deaths and injuries among civilians caught in the crossfire.

Despite international and regional warnings urging the RSF to halt their assault on El Fasher, a city already reeling from war casualties, the paramilitary group persists in its offensive. This aggression appears to be part of a broader campaign to seize control of the entire Darfur region following their capture of the southern, central, eastern, and western Darfur states.

“The RSF has intensified its attacks on civilians in western and southern El Fasher,” reported Abdeljabbar Mohamed Adam of the El Fasher emergency room to Sudan Tribune. “They’re bombarding homes and government buildings with heavy weaponry, causing a significant number of casualties.”

He identified Al-Inqaz, Al-Salam, Al-Wahda, Al-Hijra, Oulad Al-Reef, and Makraka as some of the most heavily impacted neighbourhoods. These densely populated districts, both in the south and north of the city, have borne the brunt of the artillery bombardment. A single shell landing in Oulad Al-Reef reportedly caused extensive damage to a house and injured at least six civilians.

Meanwhile, residents from the eastern and northern neighbourhoods, particularly those in Abu Shouk camp, are fleeing in droves towards the city centre as fighting intensifies in those areas. The RSF appears to be attempting to push into the city centre, but the joint force comprised of armed movements and mobilized citizens continues to resist their advances.

In a press conference held in Port Sudan, Babiker Hamdin, the Darfur Region’s Minister of Health and Social Care, vehemently condemned the RSF’s actions, calling them “barbaric aggression” and a “siege” on El Fasher. He highlighted the plight of thousands of civilians exposed to the dangers of hunger and thirst due to the conflict, emphasizing that such actions constitute a crime punishable under international law.

The regional official further accused the RSF of hindering the delivery of humanitarian aid to those affected by the fighting and obstructing the flow of commercial goods into El Fasher. This closure of all major roads leading to the city has caused a significant spike in food and medical supply prices.

Hamdin issued a stark warning, fearing the complete shutdown of healthcare facilities, as some have already come under fire despite being overwhelmed with the wounded. He implored the United Nations, the International Security Council, and human rights organizations to take decisive action against the RSF, condemning their violations against civilians and holding them accountable.

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