

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Israel angered by Spain, Norway and Ireland for recognizing Palestinian state


Israel on Wednesday responded with anger to a move by Spain, Norway and Ireland after they announced that they recognized a Palestinian state and hoped other Western nations would follow suit.

Spain, Norway and Ireland said their decision was aimed at accelerating efforts to secure a cease-fire in Israel's ongoing war with Hamas.

"We hope that our recognition and our reasons contribute to other western countries following this path, because the more we are, the more strength we will have to impose a cease-fire, to achieve the release of the hostages held by Hamas, to relaunch the political process that can lead to a peace agreement," Spain's Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez told parliament.

Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store said the only possible political solution between Israelis and Palestinians was "two states living side by side in peace and security." The nation's Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide said he did not expect the recognition to stop the war in Gaza, but it was "a key component" for an Arab-led peace initiative.

Ireland's Prime Minister Simon Harris told a Dublin news conference that his nation remained unequivocal in recognizing Israel's right to exist "securely and in peace with its neighbors."

The Irish authority also called for the release of all hostages in Gaza.

The decision by the three nation's infuriated Israel, which says recognizing a Palestinian state amounts to rewarding Hamas militants for the October 7 attack that sparked the war in Gaza.

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said the decision would carry "severe consequences," and ordered the immediate return of the Middle Eastern nation's ambassadors from the three countries for consultations.

"I am sending a clear message today: Israel will not be complacent against those who undermine its sovereignty and endanger its security," Katz said.

The Palestinian Authority, the body which exercises limited self-rule in the Israeli occupied West Bank, and by Hamas, welcomed the decision made by Spain, Norway and Ireland.

Around 144 out of 193 member-states of the United Nations recognize Palestine as a state, including most of the global south, Russia, China and India. But only a handful of the 27 EU members have done so, mostly former Communist countries as well as Sweden and Cyprus.

Britain, Australia and EU members Malta and Slovenia have indicated in recent months that they could soon follow suit.

The U.S., an ally of Israel, has opposed recognizing Palestine without an agreement reached at negotiations.

President Joe Biden "is a strong supporter of a two-state solution and has been throughout his career," a spokesperson for the White House National Security Council said.

Biden "believes a Palestinian state should be realized through direct negotiations between the parties, not through unilateral recognition," the spokesperson said.

Germany said recognizing Palestine as a state was a matter that required further dialogue, while France said conditions had not yet been met.

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