

Friday, May 31, 2024

Controversial private jet for Kenya president's trip to US was hired by UAE - Government


In response to recent concerns regarding the controversial private jet chartered by Kenya President, William Ruto for his recent trip to the United States, Kenya State House Spokesperson, Hussein Mohamed has issued a statement explaining the specifics surrounding the leased aircraft.

This comes after Ruto, on Thursday, asserted that he only spent Ksh.10 million to charter the luxurious UAE jet, further highlighting that the amount was a considerable reduction from his initial proposal of Ksh.20 million to his Arabian "friends".

ALSO READ: “Some friends” helped pay for Kenya President's private jet for US trip

Ruto's sentiments did not sit well with many Kenyans who questioned the integrity of the President's purported allies. Many were perplexed why the so-called allies only charged Ruto Ksh.10 million for a round trip to the U.S., a journey that was estimated to cost upwards of Ksh.200 million.

In his rejoinder Mohamed emphasized that Kenya's engagement in the international arena involves partnerships with numerous countries, serving as friends and allies in mutual cooperation and prosperity.

Specifically addressing the issue of the jet used by President Ruto, the State House spokesperson noted that the aircraft was provided by the UAE government and not by any individuals as previously alleged.

"Kenya operates in the international multilateral arena and is therefore a friend, partner, and ally to many countries. As explained by the President on Thursday, the cost of the jet he traveled in for the historic and successful US State Visit was offered by friends of Kenya at a relatively low cost," said Mohamed.

"In this specific case, the United Arab Emirates Government offered the aircraft at less than KSh10 million. This was the most efficient and economical way for the President and his delegation to undertake a trip of this magnitude."

Referencing the UAE's 2018 donation of military equipment to Kenya, Mohamed underscored the long-standing relationship between Nairobi and Abu Dhabi.

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