

Sunday, April 21, 2024

President of Kenya welcomes thorough probe into CDF's death


President of Kenya, William Ruto, has welcomed thorough investigations into the death of the Chief of Defence Forces General Francis Ogolla.

Speaking during the memorial service in Siaya County on Sunday, President Ruto vowed that he will ensure all security agencies, including the investigation teams, leave no stone unturned in unearthing the truth behind the fatal plane crash that claimed the life of Ogolla. 

"I have full confidence in KDF. They are our foremost professional entity in Kenya therefore I have full confidence that General Omenda and the team he has appointed to make sure that all details are laid bare on the accident that took away the life of General Ogolla," stated Ruto.

"I know the KDF are as concerned as I am and every Kenyan on the life of Ogolla."

Following heightening questions on how a CDF, one of the most guarded and protected persons in Kenya, would meet their death from a helicopter crash, President Ruto ironed out the speculations.

He asserted that his government has, and never will condone extrajudicial killings, noting that the probe's report will bring the truth to the fore.

"It is true we have lost many Kenyans because of extrajudicial killings, it is also very true that we have lost many because of political assassinations and I made a commitment to Kenyans that there will never be there shall never be again extra judicial killings or political assassinations," he said.

"There shall never be another occasion where we have bodies of Kenyans in river Yala. Not under my watch."

The Head of State further expressed his dejection with Ogolla's death, saying that he was a skilled professional with an admirable work ethic and integrity.

"I am confident now as I was then that in the hands of General Ogolla, the security of Kenya was assured. He demonstrated in strategy, in word and indeed that he loved this country," Ruto added. 

"Those of you who may not have worked closely with Ogolla as I did may not understand the kind of men we have in Kenya. There are very few people who can fit in the shoes of General Ogolla. I say this passionately because I know what Kenya has lost."

Ogolla crashed Sindar area in Elgeyo Marakwet County at around 2:20 pm on Thursday, April 18, 2024, onboard a Bell Huey II helicopter.

Of the 12 military officers on board, only two survived.

Meanwhile, an aircraft accident investigation team has been tasked with investigating the fatal copter accident.

Transport Cabinet Secretary (CS) Kipchumba Murkomen announced that the Captain Peter Maranga-led team will review all accident reports involving Kenyan registered and operated aircraft presented by the Republic of South Sudan and the Federal Republic of Somalia for the last five years.

Captain Maranga will be deputised by Eng. Fredrick Aggrey Opot.

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