

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

What is Israel's Iron Dome missile system and how does it work?


Israel says its Iron Dome missile defence system has helped protect the country against rockets fired by the Hamas militant group from Gaza.

The Israeli military says that without it, casualties would have been "far higher" during the current conflict. However, some incoming rockets have fallen on built-up areas.

Iron Dome is designed to protect against incoming short-range weapons. It operates in all weather conditions.

It uses radar to track rockets and can differentiate between those that are likely to hit built-up areas and those that are not. Interceptor missiles are only fired at rockets expected to strike populated areas.

The system consists of batteries located across Israel, each with three to four launchers that can fire 20 interceptor missiles. There are both fixed and mobile versions of the system.

Iron Dome was developed after the 2006 conflict between Israel and Hezbollah, a militant group based in southern Lebanon.

The Iron Dome (left) intercepts rockets (right) fired by Hamas

Hezbollah launched thousands of rockets into Israel, causing huge damage and killing dozens of citizens.

In response, Israel said it would develop a new missile defence shield.

Iron Dome was created by Israeli firms Rafael Advanced Defense Systems and Israel Aerospace Industries, with some US support.

It was specially designed to help combat rudimentary weapons like the rockets fired from Gaza.

The system was first used in combat in 2011. It knocked out a missile fired from the Gaza Strip, which has been under Hamas control since 2007.

In 2019, the US announced it would buy and test some Iron Dome batteries.

How effective is Iron Dome?

Israel's military has claimed a success rate of up to 90% for Iron Dome.

Hamas said that on the first day of its attack it launched 5,000 rockets, although Israel says it probably launched half that number.

The rockets were fired in a short space of time in an attempt to overwhelm Iron Dome.

Others have been fired from Lebanon by Hezbollah.

The Israeli Defense Forces said more than 8,000 rockets have been fired at Israel since 7 October.

Some rockets have evaded Iron Dome and fallen on built-up areas causing several deaths and injuries, according to Israeli media.

On 27 October, four people were injured when a rocket hit an apartment building in Tel Aviv.

However, Israeli military spokesman Lt Col Jonathan Conricus said: "The number of Israelis killed and wounded would be far higher if it had not been for the Iron Dome system, which has been a life saver as it always is."

Israel says Iron Dome has a 90% success rate

The US has said it will reinforce Israel's anti-rocket defence by handing over two of the Iron Dome batteries that it operates in Israel.

It will also supply a battery of Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missiles and batteries of Patriot missiles.

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