

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Gabon Military leader rejects presidential salary


Gabon’s military leader, General Brice Oligui Nguema on Wednesday, rejected any plan to be paid as President of the country, saying he will only be paid as Commander of the Republican Guard.

General Brice became the leader of Gabon after a coup which he plotted, removed his cousin, Ali Bongo, ending a 55-year dynasty of the Bongo’s.

According to the BBC, Col Ulrich Manfoumbi, the Junta spokesperson made the announcement on state TV Wednesday night.

In his speech, the spokesperson said that General Nguema rejected the pay because he is “aware of the social emergencies and many expectations of the Gabonese people.

“Each day that passes allows the [junta] to become more aware of the general state of deterioration of the country and of public finances in particular,” the spokesperson said.

According to the Military, the country’s finance was suffering and the economy was on a downward spiral due to high corruption in the 14-year rule of former President Ali Bongo who took over from his Father, Omar Bongo in 2009.

Gen Brice Nguema has also reduced seating allowance for Lawmakers and also stopped political funding.

His move is being seen as a boost to the confidence of Gabonese people.

Though Gen Nguema promised to return power to Civilians in a free election, he however, did not set a timeline for when his interim government will elapse

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