

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

"Release critics of UAE port deal immediately and unconditionally" - Amnesty International tells Tanzania police force

Amnesty International calls for immediate and unconditional release of lawyer and activist, Boniface Mwabukusi (L), political activist, Mdude Nyagali and former parliamentarian and Tanzanian Ambassador to Sweden, Dr. Willibrod Slaa who are under Tanzania police force custody 


The Tanzanian authorities must immediately and unconditionally release former parliamentarian and Tanzanian Ambassador to Sweden, Dr. Willibrod Slaa, a lawyer and activist, Boniface Mwabukusi, a political activist, Mdude Nyagali, all of whom were arrested between 12 and 13 August this year simply for criticizing a port deal between Tanzania and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Amnesty International said today.

The accord sets a legally binding framework for the UAE to collaborate with Tanzania on the development, management and operation of Tanzania’s ports, special economic zones, logistics parks, trade corridors and other related infrastructure.

“The Tanzanian authorities’ crackdown on critics of the UAE port deal reveals their growing intolerance for dissent. The authorities must stop arbitrarily detaining activists simply for peacefully expressing their views and immediately and unconditionally release these activists to ensure the respect of the right to freedom of expression,” said Tigere Chagutah, Amnesty International’s Regional Director for East and Southern Africa.

Slaa, Mwabukusi and Nyagali have all publicly criticized the port deal. Mwabukusi led a court petition arguing that the port accord contains clauses that violate Tanzania’s Constitution and endanger national sovereignty and security.

According to his lawyer, Slaa was arrested by police officers at his home in Mbweni, Dar es Salaam, on 13 August at around 1:00 pm and taken to Mbweni Police Station. He was then taken back to his house, where the police conducted a search and confiscated some of his communication devices.

After the search, the police took Slaa to Oysterbay Police Station.

Mwabukusi and Nyagali’s lawyer told Amnesty International that he received a distress call from the two activists when they were apprehended by police officers on 12 August, at around 3:00 am.

According to the lawyer, Mwabukusi and Nyagali were arrested near Mikumi in Morogoro region, eastern Tanzania, while traveling to Dar es Salaam from Mbeya, southwest Tanzania. Emmanuel Masonga, an opposition party official, was also arrested with them but released the same day with orders to report to Mikumi Police Station on 14 August 2023.

Mwabukusi and Nyagali are currently being held at the Central Police Station in Mbeya, having been transferred from Mikumi during the day. According to their lawyer, the two activists have refused to eat or drink anything since their arrest.

On 11 August, Camilius Wambura, Tanzania’s Inspector General of Police, told media that critics of the deal will be apprehended over their “seditious” statements that “call for national protests” against the port deal, which he said were tantamount to “inciting the public into overthrowing the government”.

Lawyers of the detained critics told Amnesty International that they have all been denied bail. According to the lawyers, the police chiefs in Dar es Salaam and Mbeya said the three critics will be charged with treason but they have not yet provided any official information about the specific charges. The lawyers are yet to be presented with any formal charges against Slaa, Mwabukusi, Nyagali, while the prosecution has shared no details of the alleged offence.

Human Rights Watch said on Monday that at least 22 people had been detained or threatened since June for criticising parliament for approving the port agreement.

Hassan's government has won praise for rolling back her predecessor's crackdowns on the opposition and civil rights groups.

But the arrests have raised questions over her government's human rights record.

Chief government spokesperson Gerson Msigwa denied accusations of silencing opposition voices.

Under Tanzania’s Penal Code, treason carries a mandatory death penalty. Treason is also an unbailable offence under section 148 of the Criminal Procedures Act.

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