

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Kenya police kills 9 anti-government protesters

By Sam Gituku, NAIROBI Kenya

A cloud of smoke littered the atmosphere in many towns of Kenya for the better part of Wednesday; a mixture of bonfires lit by protesters, and smoke from teargas canisters lobbed by the police.

This was a day of protests against the government that had been pronounced illegal by the police for lacking notice.

The protesters were early on the streets, so were the police, ready to contain any mayhem that ensued.

The demonstrators pelted stones at the police, as they attempted to repel them. Many were injured in the exchange including police officers, one of them in Kamukunji area of Nairobi.

At least 9 people have been reported to have died in the protests, including four in Mlolongo, two in Kitengela and one in Emali in Makueni County.

A police officer gets aid from a civilian to water down the sting of tear gas

But the exchange extended beyond the police and demonstrators. At some instances, the violent protestors attacked their fellow citizens.

Property and installations were destroyed, shops were looted including Eastmatt Supermarket in Kitengela.

In Kitengela, protestors attacked the divisional headquarters, destroying the national flag and torching the Assistant County Commissioner’s office.

One of those suspected to have destroyed the pole of the national flag was shot dead. The fire was put out but the destruction was evident. Identity cards of Kenyans were scattered across the office.

Nearly ten people were injured in the exchange and are nursing gunshot wounds; some on the head, stomach, hands and legs.

In Nairobi, the protestors were unstoppable. Not even the ‘Stop’ sign could stop the protestors from destroying everything in their way, as the police waited for the opportune time to pounce.

In Kangemi, the standoff was similar. Daring protestors waited for their chance. While at it, innocent young citizens were in class for their share of education.

Little did they know that the protests knew no boundaries. Teargas canisters reached some of the pupils while in class at New Kihumbuini Primary School.

Several were reported to have fainted or run short of breath. They were attended to for first aid before being rushed to hospital. Parents and guardians rushed to the school to rescue their children.

The day was marked with immense violence across major towns, leaving on its way death, injury, destruction and uncertainty.

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