

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Terrorists destroyed 101 schools in Cabo Delgado

MAPUTO, Mozambique

The more than 2,000 students in Cabo Delgado not only saw their schools destroyed in terrorist attacks, but were also left homeless, according to figures released by the Minister of Education and Human Development this Thursday.

"The affected children were left without classrooms, but they also lost all of their school material. They lost notebooks, books, pencils and were left unable to enjoy the right to learn,” she said.

Most of the children were allocated to other schools in safe areas, which put increased pressure in those places through the need to create conditions to accommodate more students.

The situation has always been a major concern for the education sector. It has always sought support for children from partners, in particular China, which is among the countries that responded most quickly to the call for help.

In this context, the Chinese Embassy and the Mozambique-China Chamber of Commerce this Thursday donated school materials for primary school students, victims of terrorist atrocities.

"We received and have already sent to Cabo Delgado the materials that were made available to us in advance, corresponding to 200 desks, 400 schoolbags, and other material such as pencils, sharpeners and erasers. We see this delivery today as symbolic, and guarantee that we will immediately send it to the beneficiaries,” Minister of Education and Human Development Carmelita Namashulua said.

According to the minister, the equipment arrived through the Port of Nacala. Minister Namashulua expressed gratitude for the gesture and asked for more support, particularly for reconstruction. The request was accepted by the ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Mozambique, Wang Hejun.

"The Chinese side will continue to support the Mozambican government’s efforts to promote the country’s development,” Minister Namashulua said. “I want to encourage Chinese companies to integrate their development goals in Mozambique and bring more change and development.”

According to data from the Ministry of Education and Human Development, of the 1006 schools previously operating in Cabo Delgado province, only 806 are currently in operation. Ninety-nine closed and 101 were destroyed following terrorist attacks.

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