

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Ongoing violence in Sudan despite truce taking effect


The seven-day truce that took effect on Monday in Sudan has seen a shaky start following air strikes and continued clashes in different parts of Khartoum on Monday.

Intensive air strikes across the capital Khartoum on the RSF positions

The Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) agreed on Saturday to a seven-day humanitarian truce, which began on Monday at 9:45 p.m. local time (19:45 GMT).

Witnesses reported clashes and air strikes south of the capital and in the northeastern suburbs of Khartoum beyond the truce schedule. In addition, clashes took place in the Kadaro area, north of Khartoum North, and in Al-Ghaba (Forest) Street in central Khartoum.

The truce was preceded by the army launching intensive air strikes across the capital Khartoum on the RSF positions in the different neighbourhoods of the capital.

Recent talks in Jeddah have resulted in an agreement that includes a monitoring mechanism involving the army, Rapid Support Forces, and representatives from Saudi Arabia and the United States.

This mechanism is meant to help ensure that a truce is upheld, which is encouraging news.

Just before the ceasefire was set to begin, the commander of the Rapid Support Forces, Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo (aka Hemetti, released an audio recording that to condemn the air strikes in the capital.

In the recording, he urged the elements of the paramilitary forces to continue fighting until they had defeated the army, which he referred to as a coup.

Although it’s unclear when the recording was made, it’s likely that it was released in response to rumours that he had been injured or killed in the fighting.

Hemetti also commended the results of the Arab summit held in Jeddah and the efforts of Saudi Arabia and the United States in Sudan but he did not mention the ceasefire agreement of May 20.

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