

Friday, April 14, 2023

S. Sudan holdout groups form alliance to topple Juba regime

JUBA, South Sudan

South Sudan hold groups have formed an alliance of all armed and non-opposition groups in preparation for major offensives against the Juba regime, raising concerns about their commitment to peace.

The alliance, operating under South Sudan Federal Democratic Alliance (SSFDA), claimed President Salva Kiir and First Vice President Riek Machar were not ready to implement the peace agreement because they are using the 2018 accord as a strategy to remain in power to enrich themselves and members of their families.

Gen. Simon Gatwec Dual (pictured above), leader of Sudan People’s Liberation Movement in Opposition (SPLM-IO) Kitgwang faction, said Kiir and Machar share the same agenda.

“Our people should not be fooled that the regime in Juba is for peace. The regime of Salva Kiir and Riek Machar is a regime of people interested in power. Riek wants power and Kiir does not give it. This is the situation and so they have decided to hold the country, hostage. So, as the leaders of various movements, we have decided to rescue our people by forming the alliance to coordinate our efforts to remove them”, he explained.

The new alliance, according to a statement issued Wednesday, consists of SPLM/A-IO Kitgwang Declaration, National Salvation Front (NAS), South Sudan United Front/Army (SSUNF/A), United South Sudan Revolutionary Movement/Army (USSRM/A), South Sudan Rescue Front (SSRF), United Revolutionary Democratic Movement (UDRM/K) and South Sudan United Movement/Army Forces (SSUM/FA).

“We, the SSFDA parties to this MoU [Memorandum of Understanding] recognize the need for a united opposition against the brutal regime of General Salva Kiir and his partners in crime,” partly reads the statement extended to Sudan Tribune.

It added, “Knowing the protracted suffering imposed on our citizens by illegitimate and unilateral extension of the government without due democratic process. We, the SSFDA parties may appreciate the role of the unified political and military action to change the regime in Juba by committing the country to a democratic process through free and fair elections”.

The holdout groups are a collection of armed and non-political organizations which declined to sign the 2018 revitalized peace agreement, claiming it did not address specifically the root causes of the conflict in the country.  The peace agreement was brokered by Sudan and Uganda as guarantors.

Several armed and non-dissident groups like NAS, SSUF, the Real SPLM, South Sudan People’s Patriotic Movement, South Sudan United Front Progressive, SPLM-IO Kitgwang Simon Gatwech, and SPLM-IO led by Gen. Johnson Olony operate independently cause havoc, despite the presence of UN peacekeeping troops.

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