

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Young Congolese protest upcoming visit of French leader


A few dozen Congolese demonstrated Wednesday (Mar. 1st) against the arrival of French President in the DRC.

Outside the French Embassy in Kinshasa, protesters chanted “Macron assassin” or “Macron get out”, some waving Russia flags.

The protesters pointed out that they consider France a key ally of Rwanda in confrontation with the DRC. Kinshasa accuses Kigali of supporting insurgents on Congolese territory.

Later this week, Macron is scheduled to arrive in Kinshasa as part of his African tour aiming to mend rapidly deteriorating relations with African nations.

"Rwanda, a country which has been attacking us for more than 25 years; leaving over forty million people dead; and France did not intervene. And then Today Mr Macron would like to come here to sympathize with us? To weep crocodile tears?" the coordinator of the Sang-Lumumba citizens' movement asked.

"We refuse the arrival of Emmanuel Macron the French president in our country. Since he is accompanying Rwanda the country that is slaughtering us, the country that is killing us day and night. It is he who supports Rwanda we do not want his arrival here in our Congo," another demonstrator said.

The eastern stretch of the country has been beset by violence for nearly 30 years with numerous armed groups active.

Among them, M23 fighters whom Kinshasa accuses Kigali of supporting.

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