

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Over 200 South Sudan soldiers died of hunger and lack of medication in training

JUBA, South Sudan

More than 200 soldiers died during the training at various camps in South Sudan prior to the graduation of the first batch of the unified forces on Tuesday, First Vice-President Riek Machar said early this week.

First Vice-President Riek Machar 

Machar said the soldiers succumbed to harsh weather conditions and other factors while speaking during the graduation ceremony in the capital, Juba.

Majority of those who died were from the former rebel groups – the Sudan People’s Liberation Army in Opposition (SPLA-IO) and the South Sudan Opposition Alliance (SSOA).

“I know over 200 of your comrades have died in the 18 training centres – some died because of diseases as there was no medication, some died because of hunger as food was not available.

“Today I congratulate you for your endurance and perseverance,” Machar told the graduating forces.

He said the graduation of the unified forces was an event people have been waiting for – as it gives hope to millions of refugees in neighbouring countries and displaced people in the country for them to return home.

More than 22,000 men and women comprising the national army and the national police service graduated from the training centres, according to a presidential decree read on the graduation day.

They are the first national armed forces to reflect South Sudan’s ethnic diversity. - BBC

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