

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Tanzania president forms committee to investigate criminal justice system as she aligns police force

DODOMA, Tanzania

President of Tanzania, Samia Hassan has formed a 12-man-committee and secretariat of five members to investigate the performance of security forces in the country.

The former Director of Criminal Investigations, Camilius Wambura (R)has been promoted to the post of IGP replacing Simon Sirro (L) who has been named Tanzania's ambassador to Zimbabwe. Here seen in a group picture with President Hassan. (Courtesy)

The move came as she changes the police force leadership by appointing new Inspector General of Police (IGP) and Director of Criminal Investigations (DCI).

The former Director of Criminal Investigations, Camilius Wambura has been promoted to the post of IGP replacing Simon Sirro who has been named Tanzania's ambassador to Zimbabwe.

Talking after swearing in the appointed officers and ambassadors, the Head of State said, "I have formed this committee to advise me on the best way to bring changes in the performance of our criminal justice system.” 

The committee is led by the former Chief Justice, Chande Othman and the former Chief Secretary, Ambassador Ombeni Sefue as chairperson and vice chairperson respectively.

The president also presided over swearing in of former chief of staff of the Tanzania People's Defense Forces (TPDF), Mathew Mkingule who become Tanzania’s new envoy to Zambia and Suleiman Haji as ambassador who will serve at Tanzania’s embassy in the US.

According to her, areas that the committee will oversee include how the security organs operate, employment systems, training, how the forces recruit their staff, their qualities and capacity and education background.

"They will bring to me the report for correction, and after the police force the committee will investigate the prisons and it will continue that way to all forces in the country.” She said.

The president who seemed not to be happy with performances of security organs in the country unveiled that  "There are more changes coming. I just started with making small changes in the police force, but perhaps later it will be followed by big changes.”   

She said the changes will be made in all security forces in the country including, Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB), Drug Control and Enforcement Authority (DCEA), National Prosecutions Services and Tanzania Prisons Service.

"We will look in detail in all organs involved in the criminal justice system."  She hinted, adding that the rights of the people must be given priority.

The change in command of the police force comes three weeks after the like change in the Tanzania People's Defence Forces was made by president Hassan replacing Chief of Defence Forces (CDF), General Venance Mabeyo, with new promotion and appointment of General Jacob Mkunda as new CDF.

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