

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

AU extraordinary summit set to begin in Equatorial Guinea

MALABO, Equatorial Guinea

The African Union Extraordinary Summit on Terrorism and Unconstitutional Changes of Government is set to be held in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, on May 25-28, 2022.

The commencement of the summit will coincide with Africa Day, which is observed annually to commemorate the founding of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) which was created on 25 May 1963. 

It is the precursor of the African Union (AU).

The Extraordinary Summit comes on the back of five coups in Africa since 2021, with cases of terror attacks in various regions and countries including the Sahel, Somalia, Angola and the Central African Republic, among others.

Ahead of the meetings, the AU Commission Chairperson Moussa Faki Mahamat arrived in Malabo on Tuesday and was received by Equatorial Guinea President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo.

The two leaders engaged in talks on various issues of mutual interest.

In March, the AU held a Reflection Forum on Unconstitutional Changes of Government in Africa, in Accra, Ghana, focusing on finding solutions to address the resurgence of unconstitutional changes of government in Africa.

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