

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Terrorists attack Matemo island in Mozambique

MAPUTO, Mozambique 

A group of terrorists, disguised as members of the Mozambican Armed Forces (FADM), attacked the island of Matemo, off the coast of the northern province of Cabo Delgado, early on Wednesday morning, according to a report in Thursday’s issue of the independent newssheet “Carta de Moçambique”.

According to the paper’s sources, the gang was about 20 strong, and when they arrived, shortly before 01.00, they said they were an FADM unit, sent to protect the island.

But a few minutes later, they began to burn down houses of Matemo residents. Some people managed to flee from the raiders, but others could not get away in time and were taken hostage.

“Carta de Moçambique” remarks that the attackers seemed to know that there was no FADM unit on the island. There has never been a fixed military position at Matemo, which has depended on the occasional patrol mission. The paper feared that somebody in the defence and security forces is slipping information to the terrorists.

At about 03.30 the sound of a boat engine was heard, believed to be carrying Mozambican forces to Matemo. An hour later, two FADM helicopters were spotted, also on their way to Matemo.

A source in the provincial capital, Pemba, confirmed to “Mediafax”, that there had indeed been an attack against Matemo on Wednesday morning.

This source said he spoke to one of the terrorists, who was using the mobile phone of one of his relatives whom he had taken prisoner. Speaking in the local language, Kimwani, the terrorist told this man to come from Pemba to Matemo and pay a ransom – otherwise his relative would remain a captive.

Reports from Wednesday afternoon suggested that the terrorists were still on the island and had taken many local residents hostage.

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