

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Exiled Tanzania opposition leader meets President Samia with six agendas

By Osoro Nyawangah, MWANZA Tanzania

Tanzania’s exiled leading opposition figure, Tundu Lissu, yesterday held a one-hour long discussions with the country’s president, Samia Hassan, in Brussels, Belgium.

Exiled opposition leader, Tundu Lissu (Left) in a light moment with President Hassan after discussion in Brussels, Belgium (courtesy) 
Lissu who is the Vice-chairman of the main opposition party in Tanzania (CHADEMA) went into exile exile in Europe (Belgium) following an intense 2020 presidential election that saw his civil disobedience in protest of what he perceived as a constitutional coup d’état, have him once again be the target of death threats.

Lissu made prior requests to meet the Head of State who is also the chairman of the ruling party (CCM).

According to a statement issued by the Director of Presidential Communications, Zuhura Yunus on Wednesday, the discussions focused on pertinent issues.

“During their talks the two discussed various issues of interests to the welfare of the United Republic of Tanzania.” Reads the statement without elaborating in details.

Conveying the center of discussion to his fellow citizens, Lissu who in 2017 survived over 16 gun-shots by unknown assailants in the parking lot of his parliamentary residence in Area D, Dodoma city said that he presented six bold agendas before the president.

“My fellow citizens as you have seen the trending pictures, I had a successful thorough discussion with our president here in Brussels, Belgium on political state of our country as concerns of our party.” Said Lissu.

The vocal politician and government critic reiterated his initial call for the Tanzania government to drop without condition, the ‘fabricated’ terrorism case facing his party chairman, Freeman Mbowe and his three bodyguards.

“We discussed about the fabricated case against our party chairman, I told her that the case doesn’t help in any way the government, her party nor our party but is torturous to the suspects, their families and creating further division in the country.” He noted adding that president has that power.

The other issue he tabled with the Head of State was for her government to allow rights for political rallies and demonstrations as stipulated in the constitution and laws of the land. “The political parties (opposition included) have the rights to participate in political activities without barriers, I asked her to do away with the rallies and demonstrations barriers imposed to opposition political parties and the laws be upheld by police providing security during the activities.” He said.

The third issue was of new constitution and new democratic elections system, adding. “I told her that she has distinctive and historical opportunity to reward the country with new democratic constitution, new independent electoral commission, and democratic laws that provide common rights and freedom to the political parties.”

The CHADEMA party has for a long time now been advocating for new constitution and independent electoral commission so much that it has boycotted several elections in the country. The debate has taken a long time now.

The former member of parliament for Singida East reminded the president and the government to pay his medical bills, his benefits as member of parliament and confirm his safety with other exiled politicians; Godbless Lema and Ezekiah Wenje.

He noted that all of them are ready to come back to Tanzania if the government grantee their safety.

Lissu also tabled his party’s concern over controversial 19 members of parliament with ‘illegal status’ that are said to be members of CHADEMA. “I told her that the 19 members of parliament were expelled by the party and should not be paid by government coffers.”  

He told the Head of State to intensify the process of healing the country from all forms of division including political. “We are ready to work with you in healing process so that our political atmosphere shall allow all human rights in the quest for development of our country.” Lissu said, adding that the president promised to work on the issues. - Africa

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