

Friday, December 10, 2021

Kenya's Raila Odinga Officially Declares 2022 Presidential Bid


Kenya's long time opposition leader, Raila Odinga has officially announced he is running to be President of Kenya in next year's general election.

Mr. Odinga, who is eyeing a fifth stab at the presidency, made known his decision on Friday, December 10, at the Azimio La Umoja Convention held at the Kasarani Stadium, Nairobi.

He also at the same time announced the launch of the Azimio La Umoja Movement which will be his vehicle to State House.

“I do hereby accept to present myself as a Presidential candidate at the Presidential Election on 9th of August 2022 following the request and unanimous decision by this AZIMIO LA UMOJA,” said Mr. Odinga.

His announcement was a badly kept secret but it now clears the way for him to face Deputy President William Ruto, who is also yet to announce his bid but it is also an open secret.

"I am not running for president to oppose anyone but to propose better policies. I am in this race to mold one indivisible nation. I am not at war with personalities, I am at war with ideologies that would lead this nation in the wrong direction,” he said.

Mr. Odinga’s Azimio La Umoja convention was attended by thousands of his eager supporters led by politicians, many who were his bitter rivals years back but have since lined up behind him and pledged their support.

Of note were Central Kenya politicians, from Governors, Senators and MPs who all spoke highly of Mr. Odinga.

The ODM leader, one of Kenya’s most polarizing politicians struck a reconciliatory tone promising to be a president for all.

"Ideologies that divide us instead of uniting us. Ideologies that put the personal above the national good.

To put our country on the path of lasting unity, stability and prosperity, I hereby announce the launch of the Azimio La Umoja Movement,” he said to cheers from the crowds.

“God BLESS you all and God Bless this our LAND and NATION.”

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