

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Sudan protesters demand military coup as crisis deepens


Opponents of Sudan's transition to democracy took to the streets of Khartoum on Saturday to call on the army to take control of the country.

Several thousand demonstrators gathered outside the presidential palace as the country's political crisis deepens.

Military and civilian groups have been sharing power since the toppling of President Omar al-Bashir in 2019.

However, tensions have grown since a coup attempt attributed to followers of Bashir was foiled in September.

Since then, military leaders have been demanding reforms to the Forces of Freedom and Change (FFC) coalition, a civilian alliance that led the anti-Bashir protests and formed a key part of the transitional government. The armed forces have also called for the replacement of the cabinet.

However, civilian leaders say that the demands are part of a power grab from the armed forces.

On Saturday, pro-military demonstrators chanted "down with the hunger government" and called for General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, head of the armed forces and Sudan's joint military-civilian Sovereign Council, to instigate a coup and seize control of the country.

"We need a military government, the current government has failed to bring us justice and equality," one protester told AFP.

Unlike previous demonstrations in the country, protesters were allowed to reach the gates of the presidential palace and there was little police presence.

Pro-government protesters have also called a rally on Thursday in response to Saturday's demonstrations.


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