

Sunday, October 31, 2021

AU to hold high-level retreat on peace promotion in Nairobi


The African Union’s Department of Political Affairs, Peace and Security (PAPS) is scheduled to host a high-level delegation in Nairobi, Kenya, this week for the 12th Annual High-Level Retreat on the Promotion of Peace, Security and Stability in Africa.

Nairobi, Kenya

High Representatives, Special Envoys, and Special Representatives of the Chairperson of the Commission (SRCCs) are expected to attend the Nov 1-3 retreat, which will be held under the theme: “Improved Coordination and Harmonization for Impactful Mediation.”

According to a statement by the AU, the retreat shall bring together representatives of Member States, RECs/RMs, the AUC and AU Organs.

Additionally, towards strengthening multi-lateral coordination, a segment in the program of work will include interactions between the AU High Representatives, Special Envoys & SRCCs, and their counterparts at the U.N. and national partners.

The Nairobi retreat is aimed at providing Special Envoys, High Representatives, SRCCs and Mediators with the opportunity to reflect, take stock and review existing mediation efforts to determine their suitability and effectiveness in the current context of evolving conflicts on the continent.

It also seeks to offer insight, learning, exchanges and debates on emerging policy and practice in the field of mediation as it relates to inclusion at multiple mediation tracks both from a gender and actor perspective.

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