

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Kenya launches crackdown on illegal foreigners


The government of Kenya has kicked off a crackdown to kick out Asians who are in the country illegally, K24 Digital can now reveal.

On Thursday, September 30, police and immigration officials started implementing the orders which were issued by Interior Principal Secretary Karanja Kibicho to flush out the foreigners who are believed to be from Pakistan.

The officers raided Waiyaki Real Gardens which is located along the busy Waiyaki Way where they found hundreds of the foreigners.

They were going through their travel documents and it has emerged that majority of them came from Pakistan and were headed to Saudi Arabia.

“We want to ensure that all of them have the right documents that show how they arrived in the country,” said an official who spoke in confidence to this reporter.

On Wednesday night, officers also started mapping areas where the Pakistan nationals are residing.

One of the areas, that has a huge number of the foreigners is Ongata Rongai in Kajiado County- where more than 800 of them are living.

K24 Digital has established that the foreigners who have questionable documents are being taken to Cooperative University which is located in Nairobi.

A source that spoke in confidence and who is an immigration official said that the foreigners will be assembled at the university before they are deported.

“Plans are underway to have the foreigners kicked out of the country. A number of them have already been nabbed,” the source said.

The country has seen an influx in the number of Pakistan nationals who are residing in the country which caught the attention of the government.

This comes barely 12 hours after an order was issued by Kibicho that it is established whether the Pakistans are in the country legally.

This is after Kenyans demanded answers following a number of videos that showed buses ferrying a large number of immigrants.

According to Kibicho majority of the travellers had been handed Transit Visas to Saudi Arabia after they arrived in Kenya.

He said that the trend was worrying because of the Covid-19 pandemic and there was a need for the country to be keen on the matter.

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