

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Floods displace 30,000 people in South Sudan

JONGLEI, South Sudan

About 30,000 people have been displaced from their homes in parts of Bor County of Jonglei State, South Sudan by floods since the beginning of this month. 

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj, several residents said the floods caused by heavy rains and the overflow of the River Nile are being experienced in parts of Bor, destroying homes and livelihoods. 

“Floods are too much. It is disturbing people. We don’t sleep at night. For us in Leudiet, some homes have already been destroyed by the floods, with those affected resettling at their relatives’ houses. We have planned nothing about these floods,” Akwac Makuei, a Bor resident said.

Another resident, Deng Mading, said: “Compared to last year, these floods have not affected the entire Bor because of the new roads. Only areas close to the river have been affected. Here, people are at churches and schools.” 

Deng, however, called on the state authorities to come to the aid of the people of Bor, warning that last year’s flood experience could recur if the government does not intervene.  

For his part, Yuot Alier, the Bor County commissioner, said 30,300 residents in parts of the town lack food and shelter after the floodwaters destroyed their homes and livelihoods. 

“Floods have come from the northern part of the town and also from the south like Malual-Chat to Thonboor, Panapet, and Hai Muchuor. Those areas are completely affected by the floods. People there have crossed to the other side of the road because the road is helping. So far, about 30,300 people are affected,” he said. 

The county commissioner has called on aid agencies to help the flood victims, and that dyke rehabilitation works are ongoing to salvage the county. – Radio Tamazuj

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