

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Tanzania suspends ruling party's newspaper for "false" story on President


The Tanzanian government on Wednesday August 11, suspended a local newspaper for running what it called a false story saying that President Samia Hassan would not vie for office in 2025, the first newspaper suspension in Hassan's tenure.

The suspended newspaper, Uhuru, is owned by the country's ruling party Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM), which has in effect been in power since independence in 1961.

The ban came after Uhuru’s issue number 24084 of August 11 published a front-page story, "I Don't Have Intentions to Contest for Presidency in 2025 - Samia."

The daily newspaper established in 1962 quoted a BBC exclusive interview with the President. Whereby the Head of State talked about her leadership, Covid-19 strategy, growing the economy and democracy in situation in the country.

"President Samia Suluhu Hassan has not said any information that she does not have intentions to contest for presidency in 2025," Gerson Msigwa, Tanzania's director of information services and chief spokesperson said in a statement.

He said that the story contravenes section 50(1)(a),(b) and (d) and section 52(d) and (e) of the Media Services Act, 2016.

Hassan took office in March following the death of predecessor John Magufuli, nicknamed "the bulldozer," who downplayed the severity of Covid-19 and banned several newspapers during his six-year administration.

Since taking office, Hassan has indicated a change in course, urging public vigilance on Covid-19 and instituting measures to curb its spread.

In April, she said the government would reinstate media outlawed by Magufuli. Soon after, however, officials clarified that only online television would benefit from the measure but those banned newspapers could reapply for their licences.

The ruling CCM party said Uhuru's board had already suspended three top officials managing the newspaper, including the CEO, over the story.

The party was investigating what happened, CCM general secretary Daniel Chongolo told reporters.

The suspension would last for 14 days and Uhuru could file an appeal to the minister of information if they feel aggrieved, Msigwa said.

In the meantime, Tanzania Human Rights Defenders Coalition (THRDC) has challenged the government on whether the paramount right to be heard was accorded to Uhuru newspapers before the suspension was issued.

In a statement signed by THRDC national coordinator, Advocate Onesmo Olengurumwa, argue that the stated Act provisions were challenged successfully by THRDC and other organisations at the East African Court of Justice (EACJ) through Reference No. 02 of 2017 for contravening the treaty for the establishment of the east African Community and the constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania.

“The case was heard on merit whereby on 28 March 2019 the EACJ decided on the favour of the petitioners (Media Council of Tanzania, Legal and Human Rights Centre and THRDC) and ordered the Tanzania government should ensure MSA complies with the Treaty including amending section 50 and 52 of the Act.” The statement reads.

“We think it could be proper to take legal measures against the author of such information and not suspending the newspaper from the operation.” He said urging the government of Tanzania to honour the decision of the East African Court of Justice by taking necessary measures to ensure the Media Services Act complies with the EAC Treaty.

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