

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Kenya senior MP backlashed for calling Catholic church a 'Cult'


The immediate former Majority Leader of the National Assembly of Kenya under the Jubilee Party, Aden Duale, has been backlashed for calling Roman Catholic church a ‘cult’.

During an interview with Citizen television on Wednesday night, Duale who is a Member of Parliament for Garissa township said ODM is a cult where nobody can speak like the Roman Catholic.

“ODM is a cult where nobody can speak, it’s like the Catholic Church that has its own structures, it has the pope, but Jubilee is a very Democratic Party. I don’t condone those who use vulgar and unpalatable words but those are found in every political formation,” he said.

ODM Secretary-General Edwin Sifuna demanded an apology from Duale urging him to respect the freedom of association and worship.

"As an ODM life member and fully baptized and confirmed member of the Catholic Church, I take great exception to the comparison by Duale of these institutions with cults. Duale must apologize and forthwith respect each one's freedom of association and worship." He tweeted.

One Okumba Lwanda thanked Sifuna saying, “Thank you kiongos, we in PAG (Pentecostal Assemblies of God) Lurambi parish stand with our Catholic brothers and sisters against this unprovoked religious assault.”

Another angered Kenyan, Donald Kipkorir said: “Roman Catholic Church is the oldest monotheistic religion bar, Judaism, Islam and Protestantism are its offshoots. That my friend Aden Duale syncs ODM, a temporal political body and my Church, an ecclesiastical body is heretical to the largest body of believers in Kenya and the world.”

Tiwaine Ole Nchoko said that a few weeks ago, Duale was frothing at the mouth saying there cannot be female Kadhi. “Now his fangs are trained at Catholics; this is dangerous religious intolerance.”

Duale who is of Somali ethnicity defended himself against allegations that he referred to the Catholic Church as a cult.

“I have tremendous respect for the Catholic Church and its elaborate structures. Am a man of faith who respects all the teachings of other religions,” Duale said. "What I meant was that sometimes you can run a political party like the structures of the Catholic Church. I have a lot of respect for the church."

Duale was weighing in on the festering relationship between president Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy William Ruto who no longer see eye to eye.

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