

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

President of Mozambique vitually meets President of the European Council

MAPUTO, Mozambique

The President of Mozambique, Filipe Nyusi, held,on Monday, a virtual meeting with the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, in the context of cooperation and partnership relations between the two parties, O PaĆ­s reports.

During the meeting, Nyusi and Michel exchanged information on the stage of cooperation and partnership between Mozambique and the European Union, acknowledging the “excellent level of implementation of bilateral and multilateral programs”.

On the occasion, Filipe Nyusi shared information on the efforts of  the government to face the terrorist attacks which  devastate the province of Cabo Delgado and said he was grateful for the availability of support from the European Union.

The two dignitaries were also pleased with the “successful visit of the European Union’s technical team, from May 19 to 28 this year which, in addition to maintaining contacts with the competent authorities, visited the province of Cabo Delgado ”, reads a statement from the Presidency of the Republic.

The President of the European Council assured that the concrete support to be provided by the European Union is being prepared, “within the framework of an integrated approach which includes aspects of security, development and humanitarian action”.

COVID-19 was also part of the agenda of the two government officials, as they shared information on measures to prevent the virus.

On this point, Charles Michel expressed the solidarity of the European Union and informed about the availability of the EU  to provide support to Mozambique and to African countries in the provision of vaccines and other interventions in response to COVID-19 on the African continent.

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