

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Somalia’s opposition warns of possible unrest after police chief fired


Potential unrest in Somalia, opposition lawmakers warn after the police chief was fired for opposing a move by President Mohamed to extend his term.

On Saturday, military soldiers guarded former police chief Sadaq Omar Hassan.

The rift could see the forces back from each other and create an opportunity for the al Shabaab uprising to exploit.

"We have advised them to lay down their arms for the last 20 years. Tonight is the beginning of the war tonight,” said Abdi Ahmed Dhuhulow, Somali Senator.

"But we urge the government not to force people to take up arms against them. Otherwise, fighting is ine

The country has been in the grip of civil war since 1991 and is trying to rebuild with international aid.

Somalia has accused some of its foreign backers of undermining its sovereignty after the harsh government threatened sanctions over a decision to extend its term by two years.

President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed on Wednesday signed a law “a special resolution” extending his term in office, despite his term expiring in February, and reiterating warnings that such an action would not be supported by Western powers.

It followed a total collapse in UN-backed talks between the central government in Mogadishu and two of Somalia’s semi-autonomous states over how to proceed with the delayed elections in the fragile country.

Leading foreign allies and financial backers have slammed the decision in harsh terms.

They say the extension of the mandate threatens peace and stability in Somalia and draws attention from its fight against the Islamic group Al-Shabaab.

The United States, a key partner in the fight against terrorism, and the European Union have warned of further sanctions and sanctions if election talks between the disputing parties do not resume urgently.

"While we appreciate the concerns of our friends and international partners for the stability and security of Somalia, it is unfortunate to see champions of democratic principles failing to support the aspirations of the Somali people to exercise their democratic rights,” the ministry said. Somalia Foreign Ministry in a statement issued late Wednesday,

"Inflammatory statements laden with threats, which undermine the political independence and sovereign rights of national institutions, will only serve to encourage terrorist organizations and anti-peace elements in Somalia.”

She said the government stood by the lower house of parliament in its decision to approve the extension, declaring it legal and necessary to pave the way for free and fair elections.

The government has promised a one-person election, with one vote within two years. Past administrations have made similar promises, but no such vote has been held in half a century in the Horn of Africa country

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