

Monday, April 26, 2021

Mozambique terrorists may be creating cells across the country

MAPUTO, Mozambique 

The terrorist groups operating in the province of Cabo Delgado in northern Mozambique may be setting quietly up cells across the country, Carlos Agostinho do Rosário says.

The member of Frelimo Political Commission and also Prime Minister of Mozambique raised the alarm at a meeting with community leaders in Báruè, Manica province, in the centre of Mozambique, on Sunday, and called for greater vigilance.

“They are already creating their cells, cells in all of Mozambique, silent [cells]. They enter, even here they may enter, perhaps [they] already [have]. Maputo where, where, they’re there,” he warned.

Agostinho do Rosário urged young people not to allow themselves to be seduced by the promises of armed groups.

“They entice young people with money and fake jobs, so we have to organise ourselves very carefully,” the prime minister said.

Frelimo, the party in power in Mozambique, also argues that it is necessary to reinforce border inspection and control, as well as the screening of the groups of people moving from Cabo Delgado to other parts of the country, allegedly  in search of safety.

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