

Friday, January 8, 2021

Tanzania turns to China for massive development support

By Osoro Nyawangah, CHATO Tanzania

Visiting Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said here on Friday that China and Tanzania have reached four important consensuses on further deepening bilateral relations.

State Councilor and Foreign Minister, Wang Yi (L) launching the Chato District Vocational Training College, reaffirming China’s commitment to cooperation in human resources development with Tanzania and other African countries.

During a press conference jointly attended by Wang and Tanzanian Minister of Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation Palamagamba Kabudi, Wang said the two sides have agreed that China-Tanzania traditional friendship is a precious treasure shared by both sides and the people of China and Africa, adding that it must be cherished, passed on from generation to generation and carried forward.

Wang said both sides have agreed to make full use of their shared vision and goals in the construction of country, political parties and armed forces, in a bid to further enhance communications at all levels and deepen exchanges of experience on governance.

Wang said both sides have agreed to strengthen practical cooperation, jointly build the Belt and Road, support more Chinese enterprises to invest in Tanzania and expand the import of Tanzanian high-quality products. 

He said both sides have agreed to strengthen coordination in international affairs, jointly support multilateralism, oppose external interference, safeguard international equity and justice, and build a strong fortress to safeguard each other’s core interests and the common interests of developing countries.

Wang said he believes that with the joint efforts of both sides, the traditional friendship between China and Tanzania will take on new connotations of the era and show greater vigor and vitality.

On his part, Tanzania’s foreign minister, Palamagamba Kabudi said two Chinese companies have won a tender to construct Tanzania’s fifth lot of the Standard Gauge Railway from Mwanza to Isaka covering a distance of 341 kilometers.

According to him the construction which will cost TSh. 3 trillion will be handled by China Civil Engineering Construction (CCEC) and China Railway Construction Company (CRCC).

The government through the Tanzania Railway Corporation (TRC) is constructing a 2,561-kilometer SGR network to link Dar es Salaam, Mwanza, Kigoma, Katavi and neighboring countries of Rwanda, Burundi Uganda and DRC.

The over TSh. 7 trillion project is being implemented in phases with the first round covering 202km between Dar es Salaam and Morogoro, was initially scheduled to be ready by November 2020 but failed to reach the target. 

Construction of the first and the second phase is being undertaken by Turkish construction company, Yapi Markez.

Earlier, the Tanzania President John Magufuli asked Chinese government to waive some of Tanzania's debts to China and assist in various projects.

“The debts include one we incurred during the construction of Tazara worth $15.7 million , then there is one on the TPDF housing scheme worth $137 million – we have since paid $164 million and the last one is the one of Urafiki which is worth $15 million,” said President Magufuli. - Africa

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