

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Museveni wins Uganda election as poll dispute claims fly

By Our Correspondent, KAMPALA Uganda

The Uganda Electoral Commission chairperson, Justice Simon Byabakama, has declared Yoweri Kaguta Museveni winner of the Presidential elections with 5,851,037 (58.64%) of the total votes while Robert Kyagulanyi (Bobi Wine) of the National Unity Platform (NUP) came second with 3,475,298 (34.83%) of the total votes.

Vote counting ended Saturday, with results from the Electoral Commission (EC) confirming National Resistance Movement (NRM) candidate Yoweri Kaguta Museveni as president elect, stretching his stay in office to 40 years.

"Having obtained the highest number of votes; and votes cast in his favor being more than 50% at the election, EC declares candidate Yoweri Tibuhaburwa Kaguta Museveni as the president of Uganda through an election held January 14,” EC chairperson Simon Byabakama disclosed.

A boosted armed forces’ presence remained visible, patrolling nearly deserted streets while national army choppers hovered and made low altitude maneuvers in some parts of a fortressed and muted country whilst EC chairman Simon Byabakama announced results.

The country’s electoral body, accused of electoral fraud by opposition, became a target of sad commentary to the opposition after “irregularities” were sighted in presidential poll results, tailored with a cruel atmosphere towards government nonconformists leading to polls held amid a roaring Covid-19 pandemic.

"My life is in danger having survived several assassination attempts and being attacked by soldiers at my home. Several of my supporters have been killed and thousands arbitrarily arrested,” Bobi Wine, who came second, said Friday.  

The United States (US), European Union (EU) and other international apparatus had earlier raised alarm over failed transparency in Uganda’s election.

"It is not possible for the US to meaningfully observe the conduct of Uganda’s elections at polling sites across the country,” US ambassador Natalie E Brown said Wednesday whilst announcing cancellation of a diplomatic observer mission of Uganda’s election.

Bobi Wine equally dismissed the results as early as Friday saying, “EC results are "fake. EC chairperson, Justice Simon Byabakama disdainfully ignored malpractices that occurred during elections, including those at the expense of armed forces but he is spinning elections in Gen Museveni’s favor.”

Bobi Wine said he was intending to release vivid evidence for his claims once internet connectivity was restored.

"Armed security officers gave people pre-ticked ballot papers in addition to intimidating voters by their presence and influencing the electorate to vote in favor of incumbent president Museveni,” Bobi Wine alleged before EC chairperson Byabakama challenged him “To show how results were released contrary to what was in 34,684 Result Declaration Forms.”

Bobi Wine, who results show garnered some grass-root support since arriving on the political scene, told his backers that he was hell-bent towards pushing for an end to Museveni’s 35 years at the helm of Uganda’s top leadership spot.

"Our battle is just beginning and far from over,” he remarked,

Though the EC has declared him the winner, Museveni has suffered a big blow that saw many of his cabinet ministers failing a comeback.

The Vice President of Uganda is one of many top tier individuals in the NRM government who will not be seating in the August house later this year. 

Vice President Edward Ssekandi will not be representing Bukoto Central for the fifth time after losing the seat to newcomer Richard Ssebalama in the 2021 general elections.

Most of the Ministers have lost their seats to National Unity Platform (NUP) candidates.

In Kampala, The Minister for lands, Beti Kamya who tried her luck at joining parliament has been beaten by NUP’s Abubaker Kawalya for the Rubaga North seat in parliament. The ICT Minister Judith Nabakooba has also lost to Journalist Joyce Bagala.

The people of Bukoto South have decided that Youth Minister Nakiwala Kiyingi is not their person for the seat in parliament and decided to give it to Democratic Party’s Veronica Nanyondo.

The Minister of trade and cooperatives, Amelia Kyambadde will not be returning to represent the people of Mawokota North. They have decided to choose her closest rival Hillary Kiyaga Hildaman (NUP).

Military personnel and Police have been deployed across Kyagulanyi's compound since Thursday.

In Kitgum Municipality, Junior Minister of environment Beatrice Anywar has lost the parliamentary seat to Dennis Onekaliut Amere from the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC).

Dicksons Kateshumbwa managed to beat Science and Technology Minister Elioda Tumwesigye for the Sheema Municipality parliamentary seat. This is the second time Kateshumbwa beats Elioda in this electoral process. Elioda first lost to Kateshumbwa in the NRM Primaries.

The State Minister for Microfinance Haruna Kasolo will have to hand his Kyotera County parliamentary seat over to Democratic Party’s (DP) John Paul Mpalanyi Lukwago.

Christopher Kibanzanga the State Minister for Agriculture has lost the MP race for Bughendera county in Bundibugyo to NUP’s Acrobat Kiiza.

Rosemary Sseninde, the State Minister for Primary Education is not the choice for the people of Wakiso to be their woman MP as Betty Ethel Naluyima appealed to them more. 

Her colleague Chrysostom Muyingo the  State Minister for higher education also lost the Bamunianika county seat to National Unity Platform’s Robert Ssekitooleko.

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